Velogic Studio - "Insider" version

Velogic Studio - "Insider" version

The "Insider" version of Velogic Studio is special build which contains a "sneak preview" of features & bug fixes. It allows us to test those features and bug fixes in a range of real-world conditions before releasing into the main build.
Things to know about the Insider version:
  1. It can be installed alongside the main Velogic Studio - there is no need to uninstall Velogic Studio before you install the Insider version
  2. The Insider version will save data to the same location as the main Velogic Studio, and uses the same licensing. So if you're a valid user of Velogic Studio, you are eligible to use the Insider build.
You can tell the Insider version from the main version by the "(Insider)" suffix, which appears in Start menu: 

... and in the title bar of the application when it's running:

The Insider version is expected to be a little less stable than the main version. If you're OK with that, and you would like to get early access to features & fixes, please get in touch (

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