Velogic Studio Essentials (Kinect) - Purchasing FAQ

Velogic Studio Essentials (Kinect) - Purchasing FAQ

This page will answer all your questions about the hardware required for Velogic Studio Essentials with a Kinect for XBox One camera

Are you in the right place? Essentials vs Pro

Velogic Studio is available in 2 product variants:
  1. Velogic Studio Essentials supports one active 3D camera, which will usually be a Kinect for XBox One camera
  2. Velogic Studio Pro supports for simultaneous bilateral capture, via multiple Orbbec Femto Mega cameras.
(It's technically possible to use a single Orbbec Femto Mega camera with Velogic Studio Essentials, and a Kinect camera with Velogic Studio Pro. If you're doing that, contact us for guidance on which FAQ to follow).
The remainder of this page is for Velogic Studio Essentials with Kinect for XBox One camera. If you're using Velogic Studio Pro, with Orbbec Femto Mega camera's, see Velogic Studio Pro (Femto Mega) - Purchasing FAQ (

How do I purchase the software?

Velogic Studio software is purchased through our website, 
The software pricing is clearly explained on our pricing page; please get in touch with any questions. 
You can simply click "Buy now" from any of the pricing tables, or if you prefer we can send you an invoice beforehand and your subscription will start from when the invoice is paid.

What hardware do I need, and where can I purchase it?

1. Windows PC

You will need a compatible Windows PC. We don't supply these directly.

2. Kinect for Xbox One camera

The Kinect for Xbox One camera, looks like this:
Kinect for XBox One camera
Although it wasn’t a commercial success as a gaming peripheral, it remains an amazingly capable camera. It is no longer manufactured but it’s still easy to find secondhand (there were millions of them sold) and we carry stock of the camera ourselves.
They are available on Amazon and in many local second hand markets. If you can't find one locally, we do carry stock - contact us to find out pricing.

3. Kinect USB adaptor

This device allows the Kinect camera to work with your Windows computer via USB3.

These are available via Amazon, and again we carry stock of this if you need.

4. Velogic Studio Startup Case

This contains everything else you need to get started with Velogic Studio, in a handy carry case:
Velogic Studio Startup Case
    1. 3 rolls of vf tape, each with 100 joint marker dots. You will use 7 or more dots for each fit.
    2. A pair of scissors to cut the tape
    3. A "wand" which is used for calibration and measuring bike configurations before, during and after the fit
    4. A saddle jig which is placed over the saddle to provide a measurement point for the wand
    5. Window stickers to advertise that your store or studio uses Velogic Studio
This is available from BikeFitterSupply if you're in the USA; otherwise, it's also available from the Velogic hardware store (shipped from New Zealand).

How can I try the system before I buy?

We don't offer a free trial, but we are very happy to demonstrate the app to you. After that, the best way to make 100% sure that the system is right for you without substantial capital investment is simply to sign up for a monthly plan. 

What about consumables / ongoing hardware requirements?

The only consumables you'll need will be new rolls of vf tape. Each roll holds 100 dots, and at 7 dots per fit, each roll should last you for around 14 fits.
When you need to buy more, you can buy them from:
  1. BikeFitterSupply if you're in the USA
  2. From Velogic hardware store as a 1-pack or a 4-pack 
  3. or contact your local regional hub as above.

Optional hardware

Depending on your studio layout, you might also consider the following:
  1. 5m active USB extension cord (to place Kinect further away from computer)
  2. 10m active USB extension cord (to place Kinect further away from computer)
  3. Switchable powered USB hub (to use 2 Kinect cameras bilaterally - the software can only work with one Kinect camera at a time due to Windows driver limitations, but at least with this physical switch you can evaluate both sides without rotating the rider. Future cameras will allow simultaneous bilateral capture, and that's a very high development priority.)

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